Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Those boots are made for walking

(Remember this is supposed to be a budget holiday)...

Now the most important item on the list is BOOTS, everyone that does any serious amount of walking says "Spend as much as you can afford on your boots" or you will be in serious trouble within no time at all.

Geoff, being a great one for research, not a rush out and buy the first pair you see kind of chap... ordered various Outdoor Adventure catalogues, read up all about the benefits of the different styles and which are best suited to the type of walk to be undertaken in these now well thumbed catalogues and online.  The choice was narrowed and a trip to London booked to visit a number of specialist stores.  (If I had suggested a shopping trip to London I don't think he would have been as enthusiastic at all !)

Ellis Brigham was the second port of call in Covent Garden, bit slow to get served but once the sales guy knew we were actually going to buy, he was very helpful & through. Geoff tried a few pairs on, it was funny when he first walked round the shop in them, he couldn't move his feet properly, it was a bit like watching a clown, the sales guy & I did laugh .. he settled or a pair by Salomon, bright green (not the colour of choice) but by far the most comfortable, actually a size bigger than he expected to buy, so proves better to actually go to the shop and try them with all the little exercises they get you to do to check the fit, rather than buy online.

No he won't be wearing his trousers this short !

Needless to say a few other little camino purchases were made including walking socks at £14 a pair (I nearly had a fit).

We did plan to buy the rucksack at the same time but it took longer than expected buying the boots, so a return visit was required. (Thats another story)

Geoff has said these boots are worth every penny, the three walks he has done so far have been like walking in slippers, the boots are so comfortable.


We'll leave you with a camino thought ..

Alfred Wainwright (1907 – 1991) “There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”

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