Sunday, 20 January 2013


Its snowing outside, so time for Geoff to empty his rucksack to show you what he has decided to take and what he is able to carry, there may my some fine tuning to come.

Sleping Bag
Travel Pillow
travel towel
Waterproof trousers
Small folding mat to sit on
Fleece hat
Fleece neck scarf
Head torch
Flip flops
Light weight deck shoes
Crew neck t-shirts x4
Pants x4
Light weight trousers
Walking socks x 4
Normal socks x 1
Small tissue packs x3
Small duct tape
Clutch clips
Blister plasters
Tiny sun lotion
Mini first aid kit
Travel knife fork spoon
On the go Andrex x2
Evian x2
Wash bag and mini products

OMG... Just weighed bag 10 kg !!! At least 2kg to come out of bag....

Its later in the day now, items have been removed, things that you think weigh nothing but when combined it all adds up, rucksack now weighs 8.8Kg items removed are:

1pr trousers
Couple of items from wash bag (don't worry not the deodrant !)

Found these top tips online:
A little spiral immersion heater, plug for Spain, and a camping cup are most useful. Most of the refuges have electricity but they don't all have kitchens.
Take 8 Plastic pegs and a 2m plastic cord to use as a wash line. Useful when it rains and you can string it across the bars of the bunk beds to dry wet socks etc., also when the lines are full.
Take 8 large safety pins to pin damp clothing onto the backpack so that it can dry during the day whilst walking. Nobody cares if your underwear flaps on your backpack!
Two large suction wall hooks to use in the showers. There are never any clothes hooks inside (very few outside) and that means no place to hang your dry, dirty or wet clothes and, some of the showers don’t have doors. (If you start walking from France take a universal bathplug as well. Many places have baths but don’t provide plugs.)
Take a toilet roll: remove the cardboard roll and flatten it. Most albergues run out so be prepared!

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